Amazon's listing policies require Laser products to be http://certified.In order to sell laser products on Amazon, you must apply andsubmit the following:
1. Your company name associated to your account.
1. 与您的帐户关联的公司名称。
2. Documentation of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)accession number for each of the ASINS you are applying tosell.
2. 您申请销售的每个 ASINS 的食品和药物管理局 (FDA) 登录号文件。
3. A document from a test facility accredited to ISO 17025 byan ILAC-MRA Approved Signatory tested to any one of thestandards below:
3. 由 ILAC-MRA 批准的签署人通过 ISO 17025 认证的测试机构提供的文件,根据以下任一标准进行测试:
i. 21 CFR 1040.10(可联系我,我司可出CNAS资质21CFR1040.10激光安全认证报告)
ii. IEC 60825-1(可联系我,我司可出CNAS资质IEC 60825-1激光安全认证报告)
4. lmage of the product displaying the model number and brand/manufacturer on the product, matching the test reportsand Amazon's detail page.
-产品的输出功率(例如5 mW)
By applying to sell these products you certify that all materialsyou submit in conjunction with yourapplication are true,authentic, and accurate. Note that Amazon may remove yourselling privileges for failing to meet these requirements.
We appreciate your cooperation in this important matter.
Best Regards,